Winter Jam & the Weekend 2024

Feb. 16th-18th | REGISTRATION

The Header image
Christian Concert - Feb. 16th
Christian Concert - Feb. 16th

Winter Jam is a crazy awesome Christian concert involving 10 of some of your favorite bands. All you need is $15 for entry and some money for food. The doors open at 5:30pm so we’ll need to leave the church property by 4:30pm. Make sure to get to Shiloh at 4pm so we can arrange rides. But that’s not all…

Disciple Now Weekend - Feb. 17-18th
Disciple Now Weekend - Feb. 17-18th

Along with Winter Jam, our group is going to join 6-8 churches in our community for a Disciple Now called the Weekend! Disciple Now is a 2 day, Jesus-focused weekend which aims to immerse your students into a specific Biblical subject through 2-community worship services at Green Hill High School, 3-small group sessions at Shiloh’s Church Property, and a whole lot of hang out and fun with small groups at host homes. Our last small group session will be Sunday morning, 9:15am, at the MMC during our regular Sunday School hour.

So what do you need to know?

Registration Deadline: Sunday, Jan. 28th

Winter Jam Cost: $15 at the door PLUS money for food.

D-Now Cost: $50 per participant (includes meals and shirt) prepaid before event.
-Discounts available for multiple student families
-Scholarships also available
-Bring a friend for FREE (friend still must register)

Friday, Feb. 16th, arrive at Shiloh Church Property between 4-4:20 pm packed and ready for the whole weekend.

On Saturday, Feb. 17th, we will attend 2 community worship services at Green Hill High School (10am & 7pm), AND have 3 small group sessions at the Shiloh Church Property.

Parents may pick up your students after Shiloh's morning worship service, Feb. 18th at 11:45am.


Must be completed by all participants.
Make sure to see the below note AFTER you submit your registration.

Winter Jam/The Weekend Event Registration Form

Fields marked with an * are required

Payment for Disciple Now

Please read the instructions below before following the link.

$50 per Participant (includes shirt)

Invited friends are free - so no need to pay if YOU are the invited friend.

$10 off each additional family member
- 2 Kids = $90
- 3 Kids = $130

Follow the link below.
FIRST, select the "One-Time" tab under the My Donations heading.
In the "FUND" field select "2024 D-Now"
Please put your calculated price in the "amount" field.
You will need to have your Bank Routing and Account number ready.
